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All about buying your first house

Buying your first home is a very important step.

It is, in a way, a challenge. Given the current state of the real estate market, it is not easy to find your first home. This is due to rising prices in the market and a decrease in the maximum loan amount, as well as rising interest rates.

It’s always an exciting process. Because this is your first big purchase and you are entering an unknown territory with different conditions and risks. After all, you will have to deal with brokers, appraisers, notaries, and us as a financial advisor.

Requesting a mortgage has financial implications. You need to consider your future plans and make a long-term commitment, as a mortgage involves monthly payments for approximately 30 years. Buying a home will also affect your tax return, and you need to deal with taxes.

Therefore, first of all, applying for a mortgage is a kind of adventure. All of the above can be described in one word: an exciting adventure. We, as experienced “expedition leaders”, can and want to go this way with you.